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Current Chair Holders

Holland Bloorview has two current Canada Research Chairs, both appointed in 2014.

Gillian King

Dr. Gillian King, a senior scientist in the Bloorview Research Institute, holds the Canada Research Chair (Tier I) in Optimal Care for Children with Disabilities.  Dr. King is an international leader in family-centred and optimal care for children with disabilities, and has developed measures and service delivery models used on a global scale.  

Evdokia Anagnostou

Dr. Evdokia Anagnostou, a senior clinician scientist, holds the Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Translational Therapeutics in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Dr. Anagnostou is the co-lead of the Autism Research Centre (ARC) at Holland Bloorview, conducting critical research into treatments to improve the quality of life for children with ASD and their families. Learn about ARC