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About the Pediatric Rehabilitation Intervention Measure of Engagement – Service Provider version

The Pediatric Rehabilitation Intervention Measure of Engagement - Service Provider version (PRIME-SP) captures service provider observations of client engagement in an intervention session, with engagement defined as active involvement and investment in the client role (King et al., 2014). The PRIME-SP has three parts - an overall rating of engagement, ratings of aspects of engagement (affective, cognitive, and behavioral involvement), and a place to record observations of factors that may have influenced client engagement.

How to access the PRIME-SP

The PRIME-SP measure is available for free download through Flintbox, a third-party site. To access the PRIME-SP click here, or visit Holland Bloorview’s Flintbox page via the Bloorview Research Institute Innovations List

You will be required to set up a Flintbox account (free of charge) and provide your email address. Flintbox will only use your email to confirm your download.